January 27, 2024



In various dialogues, both light and serious. In various spaces and opportunities, many discussions revolve around answering how we can do everything successfully, successfully and achieve goals. Many books, theories and training can answer this question, my friends and I who were chatting earlier have devoured a lot of it all. But it seems that the question "what is the right way?" cannot be answered yet. By contemplating and formulating as is (if not haphazardly), let me propose a simple formula on how to do what we want to do correctly, and hopefully it can be applied in our daily lives. Let's call this the DO IT RIGHT formula.

First, Right Purpose.

Our goals, intentions and reasons for doing and acting must be right. Having the right goals, straight intentions and the right reasons. In my religion, humans are taught that in all their actions they must refer to the right purpose, namely Allah's pleasure. Purpose can also be a vision, ideals and resolutions. Whether in life plans, work or business, make sure our goals and visions are also clear, not vague, and make sure the goal brings benefits to ourselves and others as widely as possible. Answering whether something is the right goal and in accordance with our identity also needs to be answered. Because the right goal is not only about beliefs and morals, but also about our potential and strength, as well as about benefits for those around us.

Second, Right Way.

In doing something, we also have to do it the right way. Right Way. The right way requires two things: the right guide, relevant knowledge. Like using a new computer, so that the way to use it is correct, you must use the manufacturer's guide, and of course the manual must be in accordance with the specifications of the same computer as the one you will use. In addition, you also need other knowledge and skills needed in using a computer, typing for example. Complete it again with the appropriate equipment. Doing something other than the right references, mastery of the right and appropriate knowledge, we also need devices (resources) that fit what we want to do.

Third, Right Example.

Sometimes even though the goal and method are right, we can still make mistakes. Mistakes can be caused by various things and factors that surround us. It could be that the situation and conditions in front of us do not match the assumptions of the circumstances made by the author of the book whose theory we refer to. It could be that the knowledge and resources we have are adequate, but the weight of the problem has changed. To ensure that mistakes do not occur, we need examples, examples, guidance and experience from others. Example. In cooler language: best practice. We can get this guidance and example from experts, teachers, mentors, coaches, practice communities, etc. In various things we need examples, both from those who have expertise in the same field, from those who have implemented it first, and also from those who do the same thing in similar situations because of changing times and differences in the environment, methods and methods can change even though the basic rules/rules remain the same. That is why we need to continue to learn and learn from those who understand more, are more expert, and have practiced in a particular field first.

Fourth, Right People

This fourth thing is the emphasis on “with whom” we do it. Especially those who act as actors with us, the team. Because the differences in potential, personality, intelligence machines and passion of each person can be different. So before doing work and taking action, a person should know himself first. So that we know the ultimate practices that we can do, the right field of knowledge to master, the right job to do, the most appropriate formulation of life vision to live, and how we want to be remembered later.

This also applies to those who have the authority to assign tasks or jobs. Superiors must more or less understand the personality and intelligence engine of their subordinates. So that work, projects, tasks can be carried out by the right person. How do we recognize our personality and intelligence engine? There are many ways and tools that can be used to recognize this.

We may have done everything right but as long as you live, you can be influenced by other people and the environment. Your commitment can fade, consistency can weaken, enthusiasm can collapse, steps can go in the wrong direction and intentions can change. This is normal, that's how humans are, faith can go up and down. But of course you don't want to continue to be on the downward path in life, right?

To remind yourself of your goals, straighten your intentions, encourage yourself, strengthen your commitment, and gain knowledge and inspiration, you must be with the right people. Find teachers and mentors who are right for you. Learn from the experts. Hang out with good friends. Find a positive community. Choose a good partner. Create a family that always gives you strength. Have the right habitat. The right team. Right people.


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